Keeping your physical, mental and emotional well-being together

At Puma suites, our spa is well programmed to suit your stay at puma suites. Your spa treatments frequency necessary for you depends on several factors such as: your physical and emotional requirements or needs; level your stress; and of course your budget.

There are many health benefits when you get a massage frequently, no doubt. Massages for instance calm your nervous system, improve your blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, helps to relieve muscle pain and helps with pain management. Your immune system will also benefit from the purifying process of spas.

Benefits of Your Spa Experience

  • Regular massages help to calm the nervous system and promotes a sense of mind and body relaxation and well-being.
  • By continuously receiving spa treatments you will be able to naturally reduce tension resulting in lowered anxiety and decreased depression side effects.
  • Spa treatments stimulate blood circulation to optimize the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to your cells by increasing blood flow to your extremities.
  • Monthly massages prevent and relieve muscles cramps and spasms that occur when the muscle has become to tightened from stress and physical activity.
  • Hot stone massages can help with pain management in conditions such as arthritis, sciatica, and muscle spasms. Regular heat treatment is especially effective for those that suffer from unrelenting chronic pain.
  • Be sure to remind yourself of these health benefits the next time you begin to feel guilty about adding spa in your booking.

Spa treatmen is not recommend if you have a fever, infection, inflammation, osteoporosis and other medical conditions. For questions regarding whether or not a massage is right for you, you may have to contact us before you make your spa booking.

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